When you're looking to fill someone's day with glorious sunshine and beautiful colors, this very special mixed bouquet has it "made in the shade." Lavender carnations, white Asiatic lilies and daisy poms, orange Peruvian lilies, coral roses and more are arranged in a ceramic "illusion" vase that convincingly replicates the look of a multicolor rainbow vase.
Standard size- 15 Orange Alstromeria, 10 Dark Pink Carnation, 7 White Chrysanthemum, 3 White Lily, 6 Orange Rose
Deluxe size-20Orange Alstromeria, 12 Dark Pink Carnation, 14 White Chrysanthemum, 6 White Lily, 8 Orange Rose
Premium size- 25 Orange Alstromeria, 14 Dark Pink Carnation, 21 White Chrysanthemum, 9 White Lily, 10 Orange Rose
NOTE – Orders need to be placed 48 hours prior to the delivery date
- All Prices Include VAT